Our team

PhD, Health Service Organization and Policy, University of Michigan
MHA, Virginia Commonwealth University
BS, Commerce (finance), University of Virginia, McIntire School of Commerce
Faculty Bio
Nathan W. Carroll, PhD is an Associate Professor of Health Administration. He specializes in financial management and seeks to understand how healthcare organizations respond to the incentives present in the healthcare system. He has studied topics that include healthcare organizations’ financial management practices, the cost implications of organizational initiatives, and the strategies healthcare organizations pursue in response to new reimbursement systems. His work has been published in leading journals including Medical Care Research and Review, Health Care Management Review, and the American Journal of Managed Care. He has taught courses in healthcare accounting and finance to a variety of students including practicing managers and clinicians.
Before joining the faculty at VCU, Dr. Carroll was an assistant professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He earned his Ph.D. in Health Services Organization and Policy from the University of Michigan, an MHA from Virginia Commonwealth University, and a B.S. in Commerce from the University of Virginia. Prior to entering academia, Dr. Carroll worked in managed care and long-term care.
Carroll, NW, A Jones, T Burkard, C Lulias, K Severson, T Posa. Can Including Social Determinants of Health Information Improve the Ability of Traditional Risk Stratification Methods to Identify High-Cost Beneficiaries? American Journal of Managed Care. 28(11). 2022.
Strahan, J., L Hearld, NW Carroll, J McWhorter, J Szychowski. Assessing the Performance Value of the Baldrige Journey: A Comparison of Baldrige Applicants and Non-Applicants. Journal of Healthcare Management. 67(4). 2022.
Meese K, LR Hearld, SJ O’Connor, B Sen, NW Carroll. Environmental and Organizational Correlates of Provider Sponsored Health Plans. Health Care Management Review. 47(3). 2022.
Lombardi, M., SJ O’Connor, NW Carroll, JM Szychowski, N Borkowski. The Relationship of Debt Ratio and Financial Performance for Large Not-for-Profit Health Systems. Journal of Health Care Finance. 48(2). 2021.
Niranjan SJ, W Opoku-Agyeman, NW Carroll, A Dorsey, M Tipre, ML Baskin, MT Dransfield. Distribution and Geographic Accessibility of Lung Cancer Screening Centers in the US. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 18(9). 2021.
Higman L, L Hearld, NW Carroll, SJ O’Connor, J Szychowski. Identifying the Surgical Profiles of U.S. Acute Care Hospitals: A Latent Class Analysis. Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability. 16(1). 2021.
Carroll, NW, AY Landry, CO Erwin, P Cendoma, RJ Landry. Factors Associated with Hospital Bankruptcy: 2007-2019. Journal of Accounting and Finance. 21(2). 2021
Baidwan NK, NW Carroll, B Ozaydin, N Puro. Analyzing Workers’ Compensation Claims and Payments Made Using Data from a Large Insurance Provider. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(19). 2020.
Lord J, J Blackburn, NW Carroll, R Weech-Maldonado. Examination of Nursing Home Financial Distress Via Porter’s Five Forces Framework. Health Care Management Review. 2020.
Carroll, NW, DG Smith. Financial Implications of the COVID-19 Epidemic for Hospitals: A Case Study. Journal of Healthcare Finance. 46(4). 2020.
Carroll, NW, J Clement. Hospital Performance in the First Six Years of Medicare’s Value Based Purchasing Program. Medical Care Research and Review. 2020.
Carroll, NW, DG Smith, JRC Wheeler. The Cost of Capital, Leverage and System Membership: Does System Membership Help Hospitals Achieve Optimal Leverage? Advances in Health Care Management. Volume 19: Transforming Health Care. 2020.