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Laura McClelland, PhD
Associate Professor; Director, PhD Program in Health Services Organization Research
Phone: (804) 828-6064
Email: lemcclelland@vcu.edu
Emory University, Goizueta Business School
PhD Business, Organization and Management
Villanova University
BS, Business Administration
BS, Economics
Faculty Bio
Laura McClelland, PhD is an Associate Professor and PhD Program Director in the Department of Health Administration. She has expertise in the areas of health administration, organizational behavior, management, and organization theory. Her research interests include—workplace compassion, employee well-being, and patient experience. Her work examines the nature and effects of organizational compassion practices on important outcomes for healthcare organizations. Her research is published in leading health services and social science journals including Health Services Research, Medical Care, and Human Resource Management Review and cited in popular press outlets such as CNN and Kaiser Health News. She also serves on the National Academy of Medicine Scientific Advisory Panel on the Evidence for Patient and Family-Centered Care. She received her Ph.D. in Organization & Management from Emory University and, prior to that, B.S. degrees in both Management and Economics from Villanova University. Before entering academia, she was a management consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers and IBM.
Selected Publications
- Vogus, T.J., McClelland, L.E., Lee, Y.S.H., McFadden, K.L. and Hu, X. (2021). Creating a compassion system to achieve efficiency and quality in health care delivery", Journal of Service Management, https://doi.org/10.1108/JOSM-05-2019-0132
- DePuccio, M.J., McClelland, L.E., Vogus, T. J. , Mittler, J.N., Singer, S.S. (In-press) Team strategies to manage vulnerable patients’ complex health and social needs: Considerations for implementing team-based primary care. Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy.
- Aksoy, L., Alkire, L., Kandampully, J., Kemppainen, L. Kong, L., McClelland, L. (2020) Achieving societal health and creation of symbiotic value by service firms. Journal of Service Management. 31(5), 1041-1058.
- Vogus, T.J. & McClelland, L.E. (2020). Actions, style, and practices: How leaders ensure compassionate care delivery. BMJ Leader. 4, 48-52.
- Vogus, T.J., Gabriel, A., McClelland, L.E. (2020). The social context of caregiving work in health care: Pushing conceptual and methodological frontiers. Work & Occupations. 47(2), 123-143.
- McClelland, L.E., Vogus, T.J., (2021). Infusing, sustaining, and replenishing compassion in health care organizations through compassion practices. Health Care Management Review, 46(1):55-65.
- Raman, R., McClelland, L.E., (2019). Bringing compassion into information systems research: A research agenda and call to action. Journal of Information Technology, 34(1) 2-21.
- McClelland, L.E., Gabriel, A, and DePuccio, M. (2018). Compassion practices, nurse well-being, and ambulatory patient experience ratings. Medical Care. 56(1) 4-10.
- Vogus, T.J., & McClelland, L.E. (2016). When the customer is the patient: Lessons from healthcare research on patient satisfaction and service quality ratings. Human Resource Management Review. 26(1) 37-49.
- McClelland, L.E., & Vogus, T.J. (2014). Compassion practices and HCAHPS: Does rewarding and supporting workplace compassion influence patient perceptions? Health Services Research, 49(5), 1670-1683.